JSPY engine
JSPYengine is a desktop .NET 6.0 C# console application that allows you to run javascript and python on your desktop computer. You might be asking why? Well for starters JavaScript is the most popular computer language as of 2019 and python being second and too have both of them act as a terminal/command prompt is really interesting. First you have command prompt (shell) integrated, so you can perform "dir" or "cd" commands, while storing a javascript function to perform a task. Since C# is the foundation of the program, javascript has access to some of the abilities and classes C# has and can be accessed in the javascript engine like Console.WriteLine("").
So now JavaScript can create files, and do a lot more stuff like a desktop application can. You can run javaScript files and python files for more complex tasks, and have an ability to write full desktop apps with javascript and python, working side by side, on one app. There is an Array of additional features I will be adding that are listed on the github of the project, like adding a Graphical User Interface to easde of use and better commands and so on.